Chimichurri Sauce Recipe: Bring South America Vibes to Your Steak
If you want a zesty (or even a spicy) kick to your steak, chimichurri is the culinary marvel that you must travel. This flavorful green sauce hails from the rich food cultures of Uruguay and Argentina and has earned its place as the ultimate partner for any grilled meat. It is versatile as it is delicious, you can pair it with a sizzling churrasco or a simple cut of steak, you can never go wrong by serving them with chimichurri, it is the vibrant and flavorful finishing touch that will transport your taste buds straight to South America.
Before we delve deeper into the recipe, what exactly do we know about chimichurri? In its most traditional form, chimichurri is an oil-based condiment made from a few simple yet powerful ingredients: fresh parsley, garlic, oregano, red wine vinegar, and a dash of chili or pepper flakes. This robust and punchy sauce is not meant to overpower, but rather complement the deep flavors of grilled meat by adding a fresh, slightly acidic balance that’s downright addictive. Plus, it’s quick to make and even quicker to impress with!
– 1 cup fresh parsley (finely chopped)
– 1 cup fresh cilantro (finely chopped)
– ¼ cup red wine vinegar
– ½ small onion (chopped)
– 5 cloves of garlic (minced)
– 1 tsp coarse salt
– 1 tsp dried oregano
– 1 tsp red pepper flakes (optional)
– 1 tsp freshly ground black pepper
– ½ cup extra virgin olive oil
Cooking Methods:
- In a medium bowl, combine the parsley, cilantro, red wine vinegar, onion, garlic, salt, oregano, pepper flakes, and black pepper.
- Slowly drizzle in the olive oil while mixing the ingredients to emulsify. You want the herbs and garlic to stay intact, creating a textured, loose sauce—not a puree.
- Adjust seasoning to taste and let it rest for at least 10 minutes to let the flavors meld together.
- Serve it over grilled steak, chicken, or even vegetables for a fresh burst of flavor. Store any leftovers in the fridge for up to three days.
This easy recipe is the perfect way to elevate your steak dinner at home. But if you want to take things to the next level and let someone else handle the grilling, why not let the experts do the work?
At Lawry’s The Prime Rib, located in Bumi Pakubuwono, South Jakarta, you can experience prime steak dining at its finest. While Lawry’s menu shines with traditional accompaniments, you’ll be transported straight to the bold flavors of South America when you pair it with this sauce.
So, next time you’re craving the best fine dining Jakarta has to offer, visit Lawry’s The Prime Rib. Whether you’re after our famed prime rib roast or our juicy cuts of steak, you’re guaranteed a luxurious dining experience with just the right touch of adventure. Take a bite, close your eyes, and let the chimichurri magic whisk you away!
Table of Contents
1. What is chimichurri made of?
Chimichurri is an oil-based sauce made with fresh parsley, cilantro, garlic, red wine vinegar, oregano, red pepper flakes, black pepper, salt, and olive oil.
2. How long can I store chimichurri?
You can store chimichurri in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three days.
3. What can I pair chimichurri with?
It’s perfect for grilled steak, chicken, seafood, or even roasted vegetables for an extra burst of flavor.
Resep Saus Chimichurri: Bawa Nuansa Amerika Selatan ke Steakmu
Kalau kamu mau tambahan rasa segar atau sedikit pedas untuk steikmu, saus chimichurri adalah jawabannya. Saus hijau penuh rasa ini berasal dari budaya kuliner Uruguay dan Argentina, dan sudah diakui sebagai pasangan sempurna untuk daging panggang. Versatile banget dan pastinya enak, saus ini cocok disajikan dengan churrasco yang panas mengepul atau steik sederhana. Chimichurri akan jadi sentuhan akhir yang vibrant dan penuh rasa yang bakal bikin lidahmu serasa di Amerika Selatan.
Sebelum kita bahas ke resepnya, apa sih sebenarnya chimichurri itu? Dalam bentuk yang paling tradisional, chimichurri adalah saus berbasis minyak yang dibuat dari beberapa bahan sederhana tapi powerful: peterseli segar, bawang putih, oregano, cuka anggur merah, dan sedikit cabai atau serpihan lada. Saus yang bold ini bukan untuk mengalahkan rasa daging panggang, tapi justru melengkapinya dengan sentuhan segar dan sedikit asam yang bikin ketagihan. Plus, gampang banget buatnya, dan hasilnya dijamin mengesankan!
– 1 cangkir peterseli segar (cincang halus)
– 1 cangkir daun ketumbar segar (cincang halus)
– ¼ cangkir cuka anggur merah
– ½ bawang kecil (cincang)
– 5 siung bawang putih (cincang halus)
– 1 sdt garam kasar
– 1 sdt oregano kering
– 1 sdt serpihan cabai merah (opsional)
– 1 sdt lada hitam yang baru digiling
– ½ cangkir minyak zaitun extra virgin
Cara Memasak:
- Dalam mangkuk sedang, campurkan peterseli, daun ketumbar, cuka anggur merah, bawang, bawang putih, garam, oregano, serpihan cabai, dan lada hitam.
- Secara perlahan, tuangkan minyak zaitun sambil diaduk untuk mengemulsikan bahan-bahannya. Pastikan rempah dan bawang putih tetap utuh sehingga sausnya bertekstur, bukan halus seperti pure.
- Cicipi dan sesuaikan bumbunya. Biarkan istirahat selama setidaknya 10 menit agar rasanya menyatu.
- Sajikan saus ini di atas steik panggang, ayam, atau bahkan sayuran untuk sentuhan rasa segar. Sisa saus bisa disimpan di kulkas hingga tiga hari.
Resep ini mudah dan sempurna untuk meningkatkan kelezatan makan steik di rumah. Tapi kalau kamu mau pengalaman lebih spesial dan biarkan orang lain yang urus panggangannya, kenapa nggak serahkan ke ahlinya aja?
Di Lawry’s The Prime Rib yang berlokasi di Bumi Pakubuwono, Jakarta Selatan, kamu bisa menikmati steik mewah dengan kualitas terbaik. Walaupun menu di Lawry’s sudah dikenal dengan pendamping tradisionalnya, kamu akan langsung dibawa ke cita rasa bold khas Amerika Selatan kalau dipasangkan dengan saus chimichurri ini.
Jadi, lain kali kalau kamu ngidam fine dining terbaik di Jakarta, kunjungi Lawry’s The Prime Rib. Entah itu untuk menikmati prime rib roast yang terkenal atau potongan steik juicy-nya, dijamin kamu akan dapat pengalaman makan yang mewah dengan sentuhan petualangan. Ambil satu gigitan, tutup mata, dan biarkan keajaiban chimichurri membawamu terbang!
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